Gradual Entry

Cornerstone’s Gradual Entry experience is designed to gently accustom children and their families to regular attendance to their program, see the program in action, become familiar with the Center and connect with the children and educators in their program.

Parents, guardians and caregivers are encouraged to schedule gradual entry time as close as they can to the child’s actual start date. The number and length of visits are usually a total of two hours in duration over two days. Parents are encouraged to take a passive role in the classroom acting as the child’s home base as they explore their environment. The accompanying adult is welcome to share information and ask questions. We ask that the last hour be spent out of the classroom to allow us to build a trusting relationship and determine what the child will need to be comfortable with your absence. When leaving, the accompanying adult must say with assuredness “goodbye” followed by “I will be back to pick you up!” This exchange will establish trust by doing so shortly after. At no time is the accompanying adult to leave without saying goodbye as it may cause the child undue stress/separation trauma.  

Gradual Entry provides time to put clothing into cubbies, identify your child’s mailbox, share the entry code and review how to set up checking in and out on Kangarootime, review paperwork and accounts.

Cornerstone also employs the gradual entry method as the child progresses from one program to the next. As ratio and space permit, the child is welcomed into the group by staff and peers and joins the fun! Parent involvement is not required with this transition since the child and staff are familiar with each other.